SITUATION: With so much national attention on policing, the Virginia Center for Policing Innovation (VCPI) and Virginia law enforcement sought to engage stakeholders, influencers, community leaders and community members in making Virginia a safer place for all its citizens. They wanted to highlight the shared responsibility between communities and law enforcement in the reduction of violent crimes.
SOLUTION: Tilt created the brand strategy, “My Voice. Our Community.” It featured authentic stories from voices in the community. To bring those voices to life we combined audio interviews with still photography and custom animation. We created a series of touching and powerful stories from people who were actively making a difference. Letting them tell their stories in their own words conveyed authenticity and gave a sense of hope. As a result, the campaign brought needed optimism to a situation where people too often find despair.
CLIENTVCPISERVICESCreativeProductionPost ProductionAccount & Project ManagementINDUSTRYNon-Profit
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